活動日期 : 2022-08-25

【敬邀參加】新藥學程專題演講(一): 2022.8.25(四) 12:00~13:30 Ensure your HME, SMEDDS and Direct Compress Performance

公告  |   |  4886

講題: Ensure your HME, SMEDDS, and Direct Compress Performance

(include Formulation approach, strategy, and considerations for developing HME, SMEDDS, and Direct Compress)

*HME: Hot-Melt Extrusion; SMEDDS: Self-microemulsifying drug delivery system

時間: 2022.8.25 (四) 12:00-13:30
地點: 教學研究大樓 7F 會議室
講員: Kai Zhuang, 莊凱

Kai is Manager of Technical Services at BASF Pharma Solution, Asia Pacific. He joined BASF Corp. in the US in 2006, as a technical service representative in Pharma solutions. In Nov. 2018, he transferred to BASF, the Asia Pacific, responsible for the application lab and technical services. Before joining BASF, Kai was a research scientist at Wyeth, working on formulation development for NCE. Kai received a Masters's degree in Pharmaceutics from St. John’s University in the US.

報名網址: http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=4466