活動日期 : 2022-02-17

【敬邀參與】2022.2.17 (四) 15:00-16:30 第二屆四校學生國際視訊交流

by 生技製藥產業碩士專班
活動與演講  |   |  3821
第二屆四校學生國際視訊交流將於本週四15:00-16:30登場由日本昭和大學主辦,另有北醫大、印尼Universitas Ahmad Dahlan(UAD)泰國Mahasarakham University(MSU)共同參與
Registration(報名延長):  https://forms.gle/y4opzguDRAfwq15c8
*報名方式: 請掃填寫google報名,後續主辦方會於會議前將連結寄出
The host University will email you the Zoom link before the event.
When you enter the Zoom meeting, please change your screen name so that it's in English and matches your name from registration. Also, please add your university's abbreviation and the word "faculty" after your name (example: "Taro Showa-SU faculty"). Use the following abbreviations.